These are mainly gardens which have been opened through the National Garden Scheme for Charity. However a few belong to people I know.
This is an amazing secluded little garden. If a garden is all about the feeling it creates then this one is hard to beat.
This beautiful cottage garden was opened for the NGS in a village not far from where I live. Deffinitely one to go back to.
Flowers and Gardens
I love growing stuff in my garden - I'm not very good at it - but I do enjoy it. I also enjoy visiting other peoples gardens. It's a great way to get ideas and if you're visiting one opened for the Nation Garden Scheme you'll be helping out charities at the same time.
Here I'd like to show some of the images that I've taken in gardens. If I've not stated where a garden then it's probably a private garden.
Private Gardens Other Gardens
Durham University Botanic Garden
I had a great day here in August 2009. Unfortunately the weather wasn't kind which made some shots rather hard to get. I enjoyed myself though and that was after all the point of the visit.
The Explorers Garden, Pitlochry
This is still avery young garden and unfortunately I wasn't visiting at the best time of year. However I still left feeling inspired.
Beth Chato's Garden
I am fortunate enough to live quite close to this amazing garden. The tea room do great cheese scones as well...
All images on this site is my copyright and can not be used without permission.